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Church Inc
No Ordinary Church
BTAC is definitely not your ordinary church! Every time we meet together God does extraordinary things. Nothing about our services is boring or monotonous. It isn’t uncommon for people to experience miracles of healing, deliverance, restoration and renewal. BTAC is a church that is led by the Spirit of God and not by programs and religious traditions. From our liberating worship that frees people to move into the presence of God to our engaging, relevant preaching that transforms lives – BTAC is truly exceptional place.

Opportunities to serve
At BTAC, we have many opportunities for you to become involved. God has a calling and purpose for each of us. We are all saved to serve. We are passionate about serving God, our local church, community and world. At BTAC, we are committed to equipping and empowering believers for whatever ministry God has called them to do. BTAC provides many opportunities for everyone to get involved and do something that is bigger than ourselves. Feel free to contact the church office to speak with one of our pastors about where you can serve.
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